Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Marijuana is good essays
Marijuana is good essays Mairjuana is a drug that has been with us for quite awhile. It was used in ancient China and India for pain relief, tension relief and anxiety problems. Over the course of time, the drug made its way from other countries, such as India and China, and came to the US. A user of this drug will feel the effects anywhere from a few seconds of smoking it to about ten minutes. Its chemicals go into the lungs, then get dispersed into the bloodstream. The user then gets a feeling of being high or stoned. After these effects wear off the user is left feeling tired, hungry, lazy, weary, unmotivated, and a little depressed. This is the burnt stage. It can take up to a week to get the entire effect from the drug out of your system. Marijuana is a plant, and like any other plant needs special cares and needs to get the plant grown. Different fertilizers, soils, and nutrients are used to grow a plant. The better one takes care of the plant, the more potent the product from that plant will be. In the 19030s the government classified marijuana as a schedule I drug. Other schedule I drugs are; Heroin, Peyote, Mescaline, and LSD or Acid. A definition of a schedule I drug is one that is dangerous, likely to case harm, and lacking perceived medical use. Since then marijuana users have faced jail time, community service, and/or expensive fines. Marijuana is used today to relax people and/or around other people to enhance a social event. It is ninety percent of the time smoked both by being placed in a bowl or bong, or it can be rolled up in cigarette papers and smoked like a cigarette. It also can be cooked into different foods to digest the drug. This produces the same effect, it just takes longer to kick in. Marijuana can cost anywhere from forty to nine-hundred dollars an ounce. It is usually packaged in plastic bags. Annually we spend roughly 1.3 million dollars on this illicit drug. When one uses this drug for an e...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Pauses in Speech and Writing
Pauses in Speech and Writing In phonetics, a pause is a break in speaking; a moment of silence. Adjective: pausal. Pauses and Phonetics In phonetic analysis, a double vertical bar (||) is used to represent a distinct pause. In direct speech (in both fiction and nonfiction), a pause is conventionally indicated in writing by ellipsis points (. . .) or a dash (- ). Pauses in Fiction Gwen raised her head and spoke haltingly, fighting back tears. He told me Tuesday there was too much damage . . . She wiped her wet face with her fingers. But he wants to send her to a specialist in Memphis. (John Grisham, A Time to Kill. Wynwood Press, 1989)Anyone who is guilty of such practices . . ., he paused for effect, leaning forward and staring at the congregation, . . . anyone in town . . ., he turned and looked behind him, at the monks and nuns in the choir, . . . or even in the priory . . . He turned back. I say, anyone guilty of such practices should be shunned.He paused for effect.And may God have mercy on their souls. (Ken Follett, World Without End. Dutton, 2007) Pauses in Drama Mick: You still got that leak.Aston: Yes.Pause.Its coming from the roof.Mick: From the roof, eh?Aston: Yes.Pause.Ill have to tar it over.Mick: Youre going to tar it over?Aston: Yes.Mick: What?Aston: The cracks.Pause.Mick: Youll be tarring over the cracks on the roof.Aston: Yes.Pause.Mick: Think thatll do it?Aston: Itll do it, for the time being.Mick: Uh.Pause.Ã (Harold Pinter,Ã The Caretaker. Grove Press, 1961) The pause is a pause because of what has just happened in the minds and guts of the characters. They spring out of the text. Theyre not formal conveniences or stresses but part of the body of the action. (Harold Pinter in Conversations With Pinter by Mel Gussow. Nick Hern Books, 1994) Pauses in Public Speaking If you prefer to read your speech, make sure to pause frequently, take a breath, look up, and scan the audience. . . .Besides allowing you to fill your lungs with air, pausing also allows the audience to absorb the spoken words and create pictures in their own minds. The habit of pausing eliminates the dreaded um and err and adds emphasis to your last point. (Peter L. Miller, Speaking Skills for Every Occasion. Pascal Press, 2003) Pauses in Conversation There are even rules about silence. It has been said that, in a conversation between two English speakers who are not close friends, a silence of longer than four seconds is not allowed (which means that people become embarrassed if nothing is said after that time- they feel obliged to say something, even if it is only a remark about the weather.) (Peter Trudgill, Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society, 4th ed. Penguin, 2000) Types and Functions of Pauses A distinction has been drawn between silent pauses and filled pauses (e.g. ah, er), and several functions of pause have been established, e.g. for breathing, to mark grammatical boundaries, and to provide time for the planning of new material. Pauses which have a structural function (juncture pauses) are distinguished from those involved in hesitation (hesitation pauses). Investigations of pausal phenomena have been particularly relevant in relation to developing a theory of speech production. In grammar, the notion of potential pause is sometimes used as a technique for establishing word units in a language- pauses being more likely at word boundaries than within words. (David Crystal, Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, 6th ed. Blackwell, 2008) Systematic pausing . . . performs several functions: marking syntactic boundaries;allowing the speaker time to forward plan;providing semantic focus (a pause after an important word);marking a word or phrase rhetorically (a pause before it);indicating the speakers willingness to hand over the speech turn to an interlocutor. The first two are closely connected. For the speaker, it is efficient to construct forward planning around syntactic or phonological units (the two may not always coincide). For the listener this carries the benefit that syntactic boundaries are often marked. (John Field, Psycholinguistics: The Key Concepts. Routledge, 2004) Lengths of Pauses Pausing also gives the speaker time to plan an upcoming utterance (Goldman-Eisler, 1968; Butcher, 1981; Levelt, 1989). Ferreira (1991) showed that speech planning-based pauses are longer before more complex syntactic material, whereas what she terms timing-based pauses (after already spoken material), tend to reflect prosodic structure. There is also a relationship between pause placement, prosodic structure, and syntactic disambiguation across a range of languages (e.g., Price et al., 1991; Jun, 2003). In general, tasks that require greater cognitive load on the speaker or that require them to perfom a more complex task other than reading from a prepared script result in longer pauses . . .. For example, Grosjean and Deschamps (1975) found that pauses are more than twice as long during description tasks (1,320 ms) than during interviews (520 ms) . . .. (Janet Fletcher, The Prosody of Speech: Timing and Rhythm. The Handbook of Phonetic Sciences, 2nd ed., edited by William J. Hardcast le, John Laver, and Fiona E. Gibbon. Blackwell, 2013) The Lighter Side of Pauses: Joke-Telling [A] critical feature in the style of all stand-up comedians is a pause after the delivery of the punch line, during which the audience laughs. The comic usually signals the onset of this critical pause with marked gestures, facial expressions, and altered voice intonation. Jack Benny was known for his minimalist gestures, but they were still discernible, and worked wonderfully. A joke will fail if the comic rushes to his next joke, providing no pause for audience laughter (premature ejokulation)- this is comedys recognition of the power of the punctuation effect. When the comic continues too soon after delivery of his punch line, he not only discourages, and crowds-out, but neurologically inhibits audience laughter (laftus interruptus). In show-biz jargon, you dont want to step on your punch line. (Robert R. Provine, Laughter: A Scientific Investigation. Viking, 2000)
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